Designated Officer with Public Services/Responsibilities

Last updated: 21-Dec-2023,
S.No Designated Officer with BPS Public Services/Responsibilities


Chairman, BPS-20

1. Competent Authority of the Board.
2. Overall Supervision of the whole Board.


Secretary, BPS-19

1. To Assist the Chairman of the Board.
2. Controls the administrative side of the Board.
3. Responsible to arrange Finance and BOG meetings and prepare agendas for any meetings.
4. To circulate minutes of all the meetings with the concerned.


Controller of Examinations, BPS-18

1. To conduct all types of examinations to be held by the Board.
2. To appoint supervisory staff for these examinations.
3. Supervise the overall process of the examinations along with result preparation and declaration.
4. To assist the Secretary and Chairman of the Board in the examination process.


Assistant Controller (Secrecy) BPS-17

1. To assist Controller of Examination in the examination process at Secrecy Level.
2. To examine and check the overall secrecy process of result preparation and declaration.


Deputy Controller Examinations BPS-18

1. To Assist Controller of Examinations in the examination process at conduct level.
2. To prepare and issue notification of admission and prepare datesheet for various exams to be conducted by Board.
3. To assist Controller of Examinations in the appointment of supervisory staff for examinations.
4. To process and check the TA/DA claims of the claimants perform supervisory duties.


Assistant Secretary (Academic), BPS-17

1. To Assist the Secretary in the academic side of the Board.
2. To supervise the process of Enrolment/Registration of the students and the affiliation/registration of various schools and colleges.
3. To issue migration certificates to students from one institution to another or from one Board to another Board/Universtiy.
4. To notify the Enrolment/Registration time frame.
5. To issue course patterns and model paper to the students for various exams.
6. To issue National Talent Scholarship (NTS) Notification each year.
7. Organize and maintain record of students and distribute cheques amongst students of Stoori da Paktunkhwa program each and every year.
8. Organize PSF Competition.
9. Organize Summer Camp and Gold Medal Ceremony.
10. Grade-V and Grade-VII Enrolment.
11. Provision of various type of data regarding schools/colleges and enrolled students to E&SE Department.
12. Litigation Cell


Deputy Secretary (Certificate), BPS-18

1. To assist Secretary of the Board in the certificate side.
2. To issue and prepare certificates for students appearing in various exams.
3. To make corrections in various data related to certificates like name, father name and DOB etc.
4. Verification of Original Certificates.


Deputy Secretary (Establishment), BPS-18

1. To assist the Secretary at Establishment Side.
2. To prepare the monthly payroll of the Board officer/officials.
3. Correspondence with departments of the Civil Secretariat.
4. To issue various notifications regarding Board’s general affairs.


Accounts Officer, BPS-17

1. Accounts Officer of the Board holds all the matters related to accounts and finance.
2. Prepare and present the Annual Budget at Finance and BOG forums.
3. Looks after the overall income and expenditure of the board and also maintains the record.


Audit Officer, BPS-17

1. Assist the Secretary and Chairman at audit side.
2. Pre-auditing of the TA/DA claims of the supervisory and marking staff.
3. Process all the payment claims related to Board’s affairs.


Deputy Director IT, BPS-18

1. Supervise the overall computerization of the Board.
2. To ensure the on-time and transparent process of exam preparation and result preparation/declaration.
3. Facilitation of all the sections of the Board through computerization of their activities.


Web Master, BPS-16

1. Regularly update and manage the content to reflect the latest notifications, news, date sheets, developments, announcements, and information.
2. Design and develop user-friendly interfaces for boards, institutions, students, and other website users to access online services seamlessly.
3. Facilitate seamless data exchange and integration with external platforms for improved functionality and information sharing.
4. Streamline the online application processes to enhance efficiency and accessibility for users.


Admin Officer, BPS-17

1. Maintenance of BISE complex and residential bungalows.
2. Assist the Secretary in the administration side.
3. Arrange all the refreshment for various events and meetings of the Board.


Director Sports, BPS-18

1. Conducts Inter Colleges Sports Tournaments.
2. Prepare teams for Inter Board Tournaments.
3. Issue awards, medals and certificates to all the players every year.

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